I am continually trying to find fun things to do with Alex because let's face it--being alone with your baby at home all day can get a little isolating. It's good to socialize Alex and it's good for me too. I can only go to Target so many times (and I always spend way too much moolah) so today I decided to take Alex to a music class. We had so much fun! About 12 babies showed up and the group leader was fantastic. Alex even played guitar for the first time! I sing a lot around the house but now I'm thinking I should play for Alex a little more because he absolutely loved it. He smiled and tried to chew on other babies and we just had a pleasant time all around. We'll definitely be going back.
Alex also had his 4 month appointment last Thursday. He was 74th percentile for height and 6th for weight (he's a long, skinny doo-dad) and meeting every milestone. Our pediatrician was pleased with his progress and not concerned with his weight because he is gaining consistently and a happy little dude.
No other big news except we are trying to get the house ready to sell and there is so much to do! Plus it's hard for James to find time to work on the house with our one person works and the other watches the baby schedules. We will get there eventually. I really can't wait to move though. This house is too small and we need to be in a good school district (feels odd to type that because it makes me realize how adult I actually am now). But anyway, enjoy some pictures of my 4 month old cutie pa-tootie.
He's so into chewing on everything. |
I'm totally biased but I think he's a gorgeous kid. |
And he sure isn't lacking in personality. |
I'm so in love with being his mama. |