Tuesday, November 25, 2014

10 Months Old!

My sweet little blonde boy is 10 months old. I have so many pictures to share! Can't believe I haven't posted in a month!

Running stroller at the park.

We love Target!

Alex pulled the Cheerios box off the shelf.

Diaper Daniel.

Uh oh. Daddy took a bath time picture of me!

Eating spaghetti.

Sheriff Alex on Halloween.

Cowboy Daddy and Sheriff Alex.

Freehand pumpkins.

I love my dog!

We carved a pumpkin and found this inside.

9 months in/9 months out.

Fast asleep.

Playing with his phone.

Ebenezer Scrooge in his "nightgown" (sleep sack).

Sunday, October 26, 2014

9 Months Old

It's hard to believe my sweet little baby is 9 months old. We went to Indiana last weekend, so I have tons of pictures from our trip. He did very well on the plane, and it was so nice for him to meet many family members and friends. 

Alex and Cooper.

My long-time girlfriends.

Michelle and I with Alex & Lylah.

Nicole and I with Alex, Sylas & Damon.

Carrie and I with Alex, Cooper and a photobomb from Damon.

Alex with his Great Aunt Vivian.

Alex with his Great Grandma & Grandpa Duncan

Sitting in the high chair at his Grandparents' house.

First taste of ice cream (he loved it)!

Family at Zaharakos

First time on a plane.

My precious baby.

Here are some more 9 month pictures of Alex in my Great Grandma Lindy's chair.

And here is my happy little swinging man.